Service & Maintenance
Our customer service is always there for your customers and helps them with all problems or questions
Our service is available to your customers for all questions and concerns at any time. Whether it’s registration issues, payment problems or complications during the rental process, such as damage to the bike or incorrect returns, our team is always committed to finding the best solution for your customers.
We know how important excellent service is and we do everything we can to provide it. Our team is available by phone from Monday to Friday and also offers emergency service for clients* on weekends.
Service achievements
Help with the use
Our service is designed to assist customers who may need help navigating the process, especially those who are unfamiliar with the platform.
Occasionally, financial issues may arise, such as difficulty paying for borrowing. In such cases, our service steps in to help and resolve outstanding payments with customers.
Report problems
Sometimes problems with the bikes can occur, such as a flat tire or station malfunction. When such situations arise, our Customer Service will promptly address the matter and ensure that a resolution is reached.

Our maintenance service ensures that everything stays in working order, whether bikes, scooters or stations.
Velocity Mobility offers a comprehensive maintenance service for stations and vehicles. Thanks to our qualified expertise in the system, we work efficiently and reliably. Our service includes the management and maintenance of stations, bicycles and scooters. If problems are detected or reported, repairs are made quickly. In addition, we constantly ensure the maintenance of the stations and the return or repair of damaged or improperly parked vehicles.
Components of the service
Comprehensive maintenance
Regular inspection and maintenance of stations, bikes and scooters to ensure optimal functionality.
Fast response time
When problems are reported or identified, we ensure prompt repair to minimize downtime and maintain continuous service to users*.
Return and repair service
Actively monitor and recover improperly parked or damaged vehicles to ensure order and safety in urban areas.

Maximilian Aydt
Key Account Manager
Are you interested in innovative mobility systems for your city, your company or your property?
Then let’s get in touch and discuss how we can help you.